Category > Fetish、SM/Bontage





  • Began walking the path of sexual perversion from the age of 17 with the rope in hand.
    Standing for the first time in the stage of 2004 underground show performance
    Acting as a professional Bakushi(Bondage Rope Master) since 2011.
    He repeatedly appeared on various events and media, and established his own tied technique and thought philosophy as "Yagamiryu".
    Currently, it is spread not only in Japan but also in overseas performances and workshops, and has received a lot of support from enthusiasts from around the world.
    In Japan, he hosts a salon which will be an exchange party of people who enjoy tying, and organize cram schools that teach tying.
    My tying is not an artistic thing, it is a type that binds quite erotically and binds sexually perversely, because it is based on binding for sex for eroticism, so people who are tightly bound art It looks alike but the inside is different.


Number of members 1 member + 1 manager
Show time 30 min / set
Show times 2 set / Day
Max Show times 2 set / Day
Equipment required on site
Performance fee 0 JPY
Necessary expenses
official site url


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